Prayers and gifts for Jigsaw's 2024 appeal will go to empower the ministry of Jigsaw in two powerful and life changing ways:
To enable Jigsaw to build a new Children's Centre, a place of God's Love, Light, Security, Faith & Hope in Angeles City community.
To empower the ongoing life bringing and life giving work of Jigsaw.
To build a NEW JIGSAW CHILDREN'S CENTRE BUILDING in Angeles City Pampanga, a place of God's Security, Life, Faith, Love and HOPE.​
Jigsaw has shared God's love in Angeles City for more than 15 years. It's a community on the edge of the city with children and families living in extreme poverty. The city is built around one of the worlds largest sex industry, making children and families extremely vulnerable to harm and abuse. Over the years Jigsaw has worked in open spaces and rented buildings. It has been our dream to have a building of our own so that we can develop a permanent centre in order to respond to and support the needs of the community. Two months ago a piece of land became available right in the centre of the squatter area and Jigsaw staff began to pray for the miracle of having the funds to buy it. We praise God as a large gift was given to Jigsaw and we were able to buy the land and now we are praying for the funds to build a building to be a children's and family centre on the land.
Our initial goal is to build a small concrete building to put in toilets, a wash room and a small kitchen so we can start our nutrition program. Goal £1000
Our next goal is to add on a larger simple building that can be used for a literacy school, ladies sewing ministry, kids clubs and seminars. Goal £8000.
Please join us in prayer for the funds to build a place of God's light, life and hope in the midst of such darkness and oppression.
2. Your gifts will also go to empower and enable the ongoing vital work of God through Jigsaw's day to day ministries to bring CHANGE and NEW Life to children and families living in extreme poverty.
Supporting the Jigsaw Christmas appeal 2024
We invite you and your church to join us in God’s mission of love for children and families living in extreme need in Manila this Christmas time, by praying, giving a gift or having a church collection for Jigsaw's life giving and life changing ministries.
Thank you.
Gifts can be deposited to our bank account or transferred online to:
Jigsaw Kids Ministries
Lloyds Bank
Account number: 03952804
Sort Code: 30-94-43
Cheques can be sent to
Jigsaw UK Office:
Stone check, Main Street Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7QZ
(To note, Jigsaw’s office address has changed but all correspondence sent to the previous Jigsaw address will be forwarded for the next 6 months.)
Online gifts can be given with a bank card through the following link to Jigsaw's Web Site: Online Gift Link
Gift Aid: If you haven’t signed a gift aid form for Jigsaw and you would like to, please use this LINK and fill in an online gift aid form. Thank you.